
Neste TA24: Thank you for participating

Dear participant of the Porvoo turnaround,

The major turnaround at the Neste refinery in 2024 was successfully executed together. Around 7 600 people participated in the turnaround works that lasted for nine weeks. We warmly thank everyone who participated in the planning and implementation of the major turnaround! As one team, we managed to execute the turnaround as planned.

You can watch a short turnaround mood video here.

Our goal for the major turnaround was zero accidents and safety deviations. We didn’t quite reach this goal. During the turnaround, there were days when deviations occurred, but fortunately, serious incidents were avoided. Every deviation is thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, we make changes to work methods and processes.

The exceptional weather conditions and snowfall at the end of April were unforgettable and working at the site was limited until the conditions were safe. The importance of safety can never be overemphasized. Let’s set an example and take care of safety together every day.

Have a great and safe summer!

Jori Sahlsten
Refinery and Terminal Operations
Oil Products, Neste

Sami Wasström
Major Turnarounds
Oil Products, Neste